What we offer

Business Growth Capital / Capital
Partner Elite provides your business with growth capital and capital for the acquisition of your competitors as you scale.

Business Support Team
We provide your business with additional support in:
- Human resources
- Marketing
- Basic legal
- Sales

Access to Markets
Partner Elite provides your business with access to markets through:
- Valuable industry introductions where applicable
- Leads from other partner companies with over 2 000 businesses as their clients
- Access to over 500 small businesses that are currently being incubated by Raizcorp’s Arize division

Business Exposure
We provide your business with exposure to the following markets, where appropriate:
- Approximately 200 000 Raizcorp social media followers
- Approximately 200 000 partner social media followers
- Approximately 4 million Pitch & Polish views
- PR opportunities
- TV interviews

Business Strategy
Partner Elite believes that building the right strategy is one of the most critical success factors in developing a scalable business. Often, entrepreneurs develop strategy in a vacuum or an echo chamber which can make decision making incredibly daunting. As a result, we focus on building strategy through a proprietary approach called Flowcode.
Each of our Partner Elite businesses is provided with a strategy and scale mentor called a Flowcoder who works with them on an ongoing basis to build a rigorous business strategy, and helps them to ensure they execute on their strategy.