Rolodex Day with Heidi Brauer

Rolodex Day with Heidi Brauer

Marketing is simple: you just have to know what you’re selling, to whom and where you’ll find them. Easy, isn’t it? Well, not quite. That’s why the entrepreneurs in our Partner Elite division had a chance to learn from marketing genius Heidi Brauer. She’s the former Chief Marketing Officer of Hollard Insurance and is credited with reinventing the brand, and is the brains behind the Slow Lounges. Heidi’s Rolodex Day talk included harsh truths: that there’s nothing new, we’re all selling the same products so you have to use the “soft stuff” to differentiate yourself, that the “soft stuff” is actually the hard stuff, and that listening before speaking is the key to a winning pitch.

Heidi also gave our entrepreneurs insight into the critical difference between business-, brand- and marketing objectives (yes, there IS a big difference!), how to get your business out of the cost-price “dungeon” and why building a brand is a bit like baking a cake.